We all need meaningful connection
Connection is critical for everyone, but especially for people in recovery. Disconnection and isolation can lead to relapse. Relapse can mean life of death to a chemically addicted person. Disconnection and isolation can lead to suicide.
Vulnerability is the foundation of connection. And being vulnerable with someone else is a choice. Cultivating meaningful connections where we feel safe to be vulnerable and share who we really is essential.
At the heart of my coaching is the relationship that we create together. We examine values, goals and design a relationship, an alliance. I create connection by listening and being a champion for you. We develop strategies to address your desires. We play with all of the possibilities. I hold you accountable to what you want and the commitments you make to yourself. We also explore the flexibility and change needed to realize what is truly wanted. We have fun.
Ready to learn more?
Schedule a free consultation to see if we’re a fit.