A Life Second to None
People in recovery are worthy of all life has to offer. Those in recovery have an opportunity to use their strength, courage, willingness, and experiences to create whatever they want. There is a Buddhist tenet of turning poison into medicine. People in recovery have experiences that can be changed into amazing unimaginable beauty. The possibilities are endless - beyond our wildest of dreams.
I am a drug-addicted, knock-down-angry drunk who has not taken a drink or a drug in over 17 years. I have a long history of drinking and drugging which ended with me becoming a HIV+, sex-addicted, daily IV Meth user. My addiction was fueled by loneliness, isolation, and a lack of self worth. I began reaching out for help in the Spring of 2003. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. My use of chemicals ended on November 8th of that year. I spent 7 months in inpatient rehabs, 1 year in an outpatient program living in a halfway house, and 17+ years later, I am living a life I could not have dreamed of. I am an active member of 12 Step recovery community. I have deep intimate relationships with people. I am connected to the world around me. My life is full.
“Life is not meant to be managed, it is meant to be lived.”
I was introduced to coaching through a close friend in September of 2016. This previous 12 Step sponsor asked me to be a client of his as he was going through a certification program to be a life coach. I saw this as an opportunity to explore “what’s next” in my life. I took a look at my life and found I wanted more financial awareness. I was amazed at the results of working with someone who could help me take steps and actions in my life, while connecting to the personal meaning of bettering myself. I wanted to do the same for others.
In the Fall of 2017, I was formally introduced to Co-Active coaching. I began my training in early 2018 and spent the next year becoming a certified and accredited coach. I have a deep connection to people in all forms of recovery. As a coach, I believe people in recovery are worthy of connection and authentic deeply intimate relationships with themselves, others, and all the world has to offer.
I am a partner, son, brother and friend. I am connected to my community and familes. I can be found walking in and around the Nation’s Capital. I enjoy adventures with my partner of 9 years. We have traveled to different parts of the world, experiencing all that they have to offer. If it is sweet, I want to give it a taste. I feel that I have a responsibility to be of service to the fellowships that I am a part of. I try and call my mom each day and ask her how her day is going. I am living life and trying to stay out of my own way. I have a life second to none.